Inkcap & The Argaric Circle – Book 3



What’s beyond the allotment gate and where is missing Scales?

in this third installment, the allotment is a wonderful yet mysterious place, where a secret world of mushrooms, living amongst the undergrowth, help the plants and vegetables to survive.

It’s winter and a biting cold has swept across the Magical World of Mushroom Marvellous. When Inkcap discovers his best friend Scales is nowhere to be found in the allotment, he has no but to venture beyond the gate to find him.

But who are the wrinkly old mushrooms living deep within the forest? And why are they so interested in the mystical ring of red toadstools?

Follow Inkcap, Scales and the Bonnets as we journey beyond the allotment gate for the very first time, in this whimsical, action packed tale of friendship and adventure.



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Book 3 Pre Order

Option 1, Option 2